Bewertungen Hohler Fels - Nuremberg Happurg

Adresse: 91230 Happurg, Deutschland

Kerl: Sehenswürdigkeit

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The highlight of this hike is the Houbirg, a historic site that offers a stunning panorama of the Happurger Stausee. The scenic view from the top is breathtaking, with the lake and the surrounding karst landscape.

On the way to the Houbirg, you'll pass through a beautiful forest with lila Teppich (a carpet of purple flowers) and Kneipp Anlage (a water therapy facility). You'll also see Leberblümchen (liver flowers) blooming in March, which are poisonous to humans but a welcome breakfast for Zitronenfalter (lemon butterflies).

The hike starts on an asphalt path, but soon becomes steeper and rockier. You'll follow a Rinne (gorge) with moss-covered rocks and eventually reach the hohler Fels, a scenic viewpoint with a stunning panorama of the lake.

From the top of the Houbirg, you'll have a breathtaking view of the Happurger Stausee, with the surrounding hills and forests. You can see the lake and the surrounding landscape from a unique perspective, and even spot the Autos und Gebäude (cars and buildings) below.

The hike is moderately difficult, with some steep sections, but the scenery and the views make it well worth the effort. If you're looking for a challenging but rewarding hike with stunning views, this is the perfect route for you.

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