Bewertungen Imhof GmbH Nürnberg - Nuremberg Fürth

Adresse: In d. Schmalau 4, 90427 Nürnberg, Deutschland

Telefon: +49 911 6601000

Kerl: Werbeagentur

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The foundation of the bakery's products is regionale Wertschöpfung und Frische, which means regional value creation and freshness. This is achieved through the use of Bio zertifizierten Rohstoffen, or bio-certified raw materials, which are processed with genuine craftsmanship to create a variety of delicious products.

The bakery is located in the heart of Nürnberg, in the Stadtteil St. Peter, where the family has been baking for over 100 years. This location allows the bakery to maintain its strong roots in the community and to continue its tradition of providing high-quality products to its customers.

The bakery's products are unique because they are made with natuürlichen, frischen und regionalen Produkten, or natural, fresh, and regional products. The bakery's skilled craftsmen use their expertise and creativity to process these ingredients into a wide range of delicious products that are full of flavor and character.

Customers can find the bakery's products in its Laden in der Dürrenhofstraße 29, which is directly adjacent to the bakery. The bakery also offers a cozy café where customers can enjoy a variety of Mittagssnacks, as well as hot and cold drinks.

Yes, the bakery's products are available outside of the local area. While the bakery is located in the heart of Nürnberg, there are many opportunities to purchase its products in and around the city, making it easy for customers to enjoy the bakery's delicious products even if they don't live in the immediate area.

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